Daily Triggers: Consuming Netflix Media as a Survivor

I’m a big fan of true crime and thriller shows and movies. Lately, I’ve been more sensitive to triggers like explicit content in these kinds of media. Hence, I rely heavily on the warnings that appear across the screen prior to starting a show or movie. Some producers do a very good job at making it clear that a certain piece of media will include depictions or mentions of sexual assault or...

Toxic Masculinity and Sexual Violence

Toxic masculinity is the concept of men adhering closely to exaggerated traits that are often characterized as masculine, resulting in negative personal, interpersonal, and societal consequences. Some of these traits include strength, dominance, lack of emotion, and sexual virility. Common expressions of toxic masculinity are forms of aggression, like bullying, physical altercations, and...

I’m Movin’ Out!

How moving away from my hometown has helped my healing process Returning to my hometown as a survivor has been difficult. It’s where my trauma happened. It’s not just one place that triggers bad memories; it’s also my high school, the Starbucks in the center of town, the side of town where my assailant lived, the soccer fields, my own house.  The uncertainty of his presence whenever I...