Catcalling: Sexual Violence on the Street

Catcalling: What is it? We hear this word thrown around all of the time. When we see it depicted on TV, it’s usually a bunch of rowdy construction working standing around whistling and calling out obscenities to a beautiful woman in a short skirt. While that is DEFINITELY catcalling, it is an extreme case. Catcalls don’t have to be overtly crude or sexual, sometimes it is as simple as...

A Personal Reflection on the Anti-Sexual Violence Protest Spreading Across the Globe

A personal reflection on A Rapist in Your Path, a Chilean feminist protest that has become a world wide phenomenon: When I was a child, I have memories of sitting in my dad’s car, listening to him rant about different political beliefs that he had. Some had basis in fact and seemed to make sense as to how they could help make the world into a better place, but most of the time it was a...

Welcome From Our President and Founder

Hello, and welcome to Survivors to Superheroes! Whether you are a survivor yourself, or the loved one of a survivor, please know that you are safe here, and our goal is to support you.  Hopefully, if you have made your way to this article, you have already explored the rest of our website. If you haven’t, please make sure that you not only read the sections that inherently apply to you,...

Finding the Survivor in Me

Survivors to Superheroes has been a part of my life since Julia Tortorello-Allen came into it. I didn’t know it at the time, but my coworker, section leader, and best friend changed my life forever when she came to me and told me about her idea for Survivors. At 17 years old, I was drowning in the fallout of being a victim of abuse, trying to juggle my physics homework and my PTSD.  I...

Behind the Scenes of a Startup Organization

Julia and I have been friends for as long as I can remember, and I was around when Survivors to Superheroes was conceptualized. When Julia asked me a few years ago to join the board as the treasurer I was a bit nervous because of my lack of previous experience. However, I was even more excited for the opportunity to work for a cause that is so important not only to me and Julia, but also to the...