Julia and I have been friends for as long as I can remember, and I was around when Survivors to Superheroes was conceptualized. When Julia asked me a few years ago to join the board as the treasurer I was a bit nervous because of my lack of previous experience. However, I was even more excited for the opportunity to work for a cause that is so important not only to me and Julia, but also to the millions of people who have been affected by sexual assault around the world. It was clear that there was a stigma in society surrounding sexual assault, paired with a lack of education for survivors and loved ones. We knew that we needed to create a forum not only to provide information, but also to give survivors the opportunity to share their stories and have their voices be heard. It’s been very satisfying to see the organization grow from a handful of members mainly comprised of friends and family, to a board and staff of 10+ people living in different states and 2 countries. As the treasurer of the organization it is my job to try to bring in donations and keep a financial plan along with other things. All of these things that have come along with being treasurer, including filing with the IRS, writing a financial plan, and opening up a bank account for a non profit are all things that have been new experiences for me. I’m appreciative for the opportunity to learn these things while at the same time helping out the organization. With that being said, I got all of it done with the help of an amazing board. I also can’t leave out all of the senior staff and staff members that are always working hard and are all so passionate about the work they do. I’m so glad that we have been able to find a group of people with all different talents and attributes. Whether it be designing a website, writing an education program, doing tech support, or creating content for the website, everyone plays their part in the organization. With this expanding group of talented and passionate individuals joining the team, I know that we will be able to accomplish so much in the years going forward and I’m looking forward to being a part of something great.