Mental Health
One of the complex things about sexual violence is that the immediate trauma may be only the start of a long and enduring traumatic experience that affects both physical and mental health. Both during and after trauma, you, your body, and your brain react in ways that are trying to keep you safe. These coping behaviors and reactions, and the emotions surrounding them, are symptoms of trauma and are completely normal. There is nothing wrong with you, though we know that can be hard to hear and internalize.
If you are a survivor who is experiencing mental health challenges, we offer you our support and love. Many members of the Survivors to Superheroes team have been where you are now, and even as we engage in this work, we are coping with the same struggles ourselves on the long road to healing, peace, and well-being. We hope that the information, resources, and support we offer here will help you to understand your own mental health and to lessen the pain of living with trauma.
The aftershocks of sexual violence can be intense and can go on for longer than you may have expected. Even years after a rape, sexual assault, or other sexually violent acts, you may find yourself living with the effects of trauma. We offer these pages not only as a first resource for you, but as a place you can return as you continue to heal.