Sexual Harassment

S2S Definition
Uninvited and unwelcome advances or behaviors of a sexual nature, either verbal or physical, and often, but not necessarily, perpetrated by somebody in authority or a position of power.
Dictionary Definitions
Uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature especially by a person in authority toward a subordinate (such as an employee or student).
Unwelcome sexual advances, either verbal or physical, especially by someone with power or authority.
A Deeper Look
- The power differential between sexual harassers and their victims may take many forms. Harassers may occupy official positions of authority, such as teachers, counselors and work supervisors, but they may also hold positions of unequal power through gender, size, age or social status.
- While we often think of harassers as being known to their victims, sexual harassment may also be committed by strangers , such as cat callers or people who randomly touch or grope their victims on public transportation.
- The same power dynamics that enable sexual harassment to take place also discourage victims from speaking up. Victims may be afraid to sacrifice jobs or education and may be fearful, with good cause, of being doubted and further victimized.
- Sexual harassment is sometimes separated from other forms of sexual violence as it can be cast as a “lesser” form of sexual violence. This view is unfair and oversimplified, as harassment can be traumatic and can derail education, careers, and mental health.